A trend is spreading in the film festival world. More and more festivals finally start embracing the web as an extention to their event. This is not only realized under the wing of the festivals organizations, like Tribeca’s own Online Film Festival, IDFA TV or Oberhausen Films Online, but also through collaborations with online video […]

IDFA – International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam
[decoline]IDFA – International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam: [details] [item title=”City”]Amsterdam[/item] [item title=”Country”]Netherlands [/item] [item title=”Founded”]1988[/item] [item title=”Edition”]24th[/item] [item title=”Date”]11/16 – 11/27/2011[/item] [item title=”URL”]IDFA[/item] [item title=”Entry fee”]none[/item] [/details] [decoline] FilmFestivalLife is delighted to showcase the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam as our first festival in the spotlight. With approximately 300 documentaries on offer in its international […]