
THESS International Short Film Festival, Five Teasers!

Thessaloniki has it all. Great gastronomy, sultry weather and a dynamic history spanning the Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires. And Greece’s second city also has the THESS International Short Film Festival every October. An annual event devoted to the most cutting edge of cinema, it’s a festival not to miss out on. We spoke with their Festival Director Yiannis Zachopoulos about what […]

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Deadline on FilmFestivalLife – July 2015

What’s cooking in July? Here’s what. A veritable ton of deadlines. Los Angeles International Short Film Festival is one to enter into your notebooks. Academy Award-qualifying, and BAFTA-qualifying to boot, a submission to this festival could herald the start of a very successful festival career. And it’s in LA, where the sun never stops shining. The Late […]

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Deadlines on FilmFestivalLife – July 2014

Midsummer has past and it’s time for July’s Deadline List! ‘Our festival exhibits absolute enthusiasm for short films.‘ This is what Roma Creative Contest – Short Film Festival had to say in our interview with them. With a mandate to show the most innovative short films and a crew made up of only under-30’s, it’s a young and 100% forward-thinking fest! Also […]

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