8 Tips For Creating The Perfect Film Website

Finding making your film website a bit tricky? Check out our media partner Ismael Martin’s article on 8 essentials that you should include in your film website.

From Ismael Martin’s blog – Feb. 16, 2017

For filmmakers, having a film website is essential – not only for having a presence on the Internet, but to support the viewing of your movie.

A few years ago, when copies were still being sent on DVD, it was very important to take care of the graphic images and cover art that accompanied the copy. At the moment, with the physical format virtually nonexistent and movies more often watched on platforms and viewing links, the web has become the main reference for finding information and the natural place where an interested programmer will arrive.

This internet presence is fundamental if you are as a director, especially if you are starting and developing your personal brand. You can view the website not only as a promotional tool and an instrument for the marketing of your film, but also as a working tool to help with festival submissions.

When you get down to work and start designing your webpage, you may have doubts about what you should include. These are some of the elements that should – in principle – be present on your webpage:

Technical sheet and synopsis

In the technical sheet, make sure to include the entire cast and crew list. Include a short description of each actor. Do not forget the duration and the genre, which are important for festival strategy. Make sure it’s prominently located!

The synopsis can be put on the same page with the team or in a section of the web. It has to be short and not too descriptive, between 200 and 300 words at most, and should arouse curiosity to see the film.

About you

The website of your movie should also help you promote yourself as a director. Dedicate a section for discussing yourself with a short biography and filmography where you can find the most relevant works you’ve done so far. Add a photo that the festivals can use. Take advantage of this section to also talk about your new projects.


They are fundamental for the webpage – both for the design and for displaying images of the film. Choose the best and most representative stills. These photographs must also be available for download, it is an essential material for festival inscriptions.

Kickass trailer

A good trailer is one of the highlights. You can share it on multiple networks and get additional traffic. Dedicate an exclusive section to it, or put it on the home page alongside the synopsis or logline.

Downloadable Materials

This section is fundamental if you consider the web as a tool in the distribution of festivals. In this section you can have the photographs, a data sheet, and the rest of the promotional materials. Every time a festival asks you for the materials you can use the link of your website, in this way you reinforce the promotion and increase the visits.

News and updates

You can create a blog with regular updates where you can write news regarding your participation in festivals and trips. If you have not begun distribution you can discuss filming and postproduction. This is a very good tool to begin generating demand to see the movie and start doing promotion.

Contact information

You should leave a space – either through a form or email address – so visitors can contact you. Keep in mind that one of the goals of the website is to expand your network of contacts. Make it easy for both programmers and potential producers who are interested in your work to contact you.

The more content, the better

Feel free to include more sections. For example, if you have had many festival selections and press references, add a section with links to reviews and interviews, as well as the festivals in which you participated. You could also share the film’s music if it is relevant and you have the corresponding rights. Also what about a short making of? It arouses curiosity and shows how complex the production actually was!

You could also try to monetize your work – by selling film merchandising, online streaming, DVD’s, etc.

Although it may seem complicated to make a webpage, it’s becoming easier and there are many free tools that allow you to start with the basics. Don’t wait any longer – make your page as soon as possible, both for your movie and even a personal website for yourself as a director, including images and videos of all your works.

Simona Patrizi

Simona Patrizi is project and communication manager at FFL. If you wanna join FFL as a contributor, share your expertise in festival submissions management and film festival career just reach her at simona@filmfestivallife.com

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