The name Tacheles is one that hits a spot with any Berliner, native or not. That’s something that’s clear when I see the crowd assembled outside Mindpirates, close to our FFL HQ. The atmospheric, smoky den chosen for the German premiere of FFL filmmaker Stefano Casertano’s THE LAST DAYS OF TACHELES… Casertano’s film is one […]

DIE LETZTE STADT to Hollywood • 48 Hour Film Project • Berlin 2012
Festival ground report. 48 Hour Film Project 9 October 2012, 20:00 Babylon Cinema Berlin, Germany Hundreds of filmmakers. Running a little late, I screeched the back breaks of my bike to the racks footing Berlin’s Babylon, camera balancing in my fingertips, phone in the other hand (dialing our FFL camera […]

Angela Bravo • INTERVIEWED
[decoline][details] [item title=”City”]Berlin/Stockholm[/item] [item title=”Country”]Sweden/Chile[/item] [item title=”Age”]30[/item] [item title=”Profession”]Director/Producer[/item] [item title=”Website”][/item] [item title=”Latest”] Everyone Needs a Heaven (animated documentary), Within (feature documentary/work in progress), The Blue Hour (editing right now) [/item][/details] [decoline] We would like to introduce you to Angela Bravo, a talented artist and filmmaker with an international background. Her parents are originally […]