Crowfunding platforms have changed the game of film funding. The possibility to go online and ask your friends and followers for money has revolutionized the process of film financing. So far, in America, it’s been arguably more forward thinking than in Europe. Even well-known American directors such as Zach Baff and Spike Lee raised considerable money with a crowdfunding campaign […]
EVA STOTZ and her GLOBAL HOME: The Festival Circuit with a Couchsurfing Documentary
Couchsurfing. Of course you have heard of it but have you gone forth, taken the risky hike and tried it? Through the documentary GLOBAL HOME, filmmaker Eva Stotz gives a close insight into the experiences in traveling this unorthodox way. A co-production of Sabotage Films, ZDF – Kleines Fernsehspiel and supported by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, […]