
FilmFestivalLifeLine makes Feedspot’s Top 100 Festival Blogs List

Feedspot, a nifty new online tool which aims to collate everything you should read in one place, has put us in the top 100 festival blogs list.

Ever since starting up in the submissions business back in 2011, our aim for FilmFestivalLifeLine has remained the same. To be the perfect assistant to navigate the festival circuit with. We’ve had the chance to speak to hundreds of festival directors, filmmakers, and industry figures on the hunt for the best advice, tips and scoops. And through that we’veĀ unlocked some of the secrets of the global festival circuit, which can – in its sheer scale – seem daunting to a newcomer.

Apart from saying thank you – and a big one at that! – we’d also like to promote the other names listed by Feedspot. The festival world is a wide one and there’s a whole bunch of great festivals and bloggers producing kickass content. Check out the list here (which includes all types of festivals, even music and literary ones).

What else can we say?

Time to get reading (when you’re not watching/making films that is!).


Andrew Wilkin

Andrew Wilkin is the Client and Community Support Coordinator at FFL. His editorial background has involved working at unlike. His film experience has included a position at moviepilot. Reach him at