Alma Schreck

International Short Film Festival Hamburg!

This coming week, June 7 – June 13 2011, the Hamburg ShortFilmAgency is organizing the International Short Film Festival Hamburg. The ambitious organization behind the festival has been very successful by creating an environment in which they contribute to the establishment of short film and encourage the production of shorts.

The festival is the place for all of you interested in short films. Not only is it giving the public the chance to watch an enormous range of short films and meet the people who made them, but it is also offering a great festival location including its open air cinema. There are lots of additional activities going on: in the evenings, you can choose from the special programmes on offer, such as Swedish screenings, Three Minute Quickies, Early Shorts by Famous Artists, Hangover Cinema or get informed about the history of 3D film. In addition to film related topics, you can even decide to attend some grilling sessions on the weekend or party through the night once the turntables are taken out.

From the industry perspective the festival is known as one of the most important meeting places. The event is an absolute must have short film festival for short filmmakers. One a filmmaker can actually not leave out of his/her short film festival career. The festival selects a great diversity of films for both its special programmes as competitions, in which they do not differentiate according to individual species, but invite all forms of film to participate in the International Competition and the sections NoBudget, German Competition and Three Minute Quickie. This year, 2.478 films were submitted for the International Competition only! Imagine how amazing it would be if you get selected as a short filmmaker to attend this festival….

With its diverse seminars and workshops on offer, such as Labour Law in Film and Media, New Online Video-Content, Freestyle Financing and Distribute! the festival is providing the filmmakers the chance to improve their knowledge concerning the production of films on various levels. Obviously, this is a super initiative and almost inevitable for a festival organization in order to have those extra stimulating happenings for filmmakers.

The Hamburg International Short Film Festival is managing it perfectly to present a mixture in its film programming for the audience, whilst at the same time it creates an inspiring and informative environment for the filmmakers.

Go and discover it yourself! From our side the festival is absolutely a tip…