Deadlines FilmFestivalLife – Jan 2016

The hunt is on. If you haven’t noticed, we have our very own Open Call. The FFL Agency represents boutique short films and manages their entire festival career – from strategy to cross-platform submissions, waivers and print logistics. Submit here before January 31st.   Otherwise, as always, there’s plenty of great festivals with deadlines in the first month of […]

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Deadlines on FilmFestivalLife – Oct 2015

We’re going to keep the introductions short and get straight to the nitty-gritty this month! After all, you’ve got submissions to do… Here’s three biggies. It’s your final chance to submit to the Portland International Film Festival – situated in arguably the coolest city in the United States, it’s an equally impressive film festival. And it’s the last chance […]

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Small But Fascinating: Why You Should Submit To Lake Champlain International Film Festival

Looking for a niche film festival? Part of the beauty of FilmFestivalLife is the fact our community can interact with festivals both big and small, emerging and established. Here’s an emerging one for you: the Lake Champlain International Film Festival. It’s a great small U.S. festival that has excellent filmmaking at its core and is proof that the […]

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THESS International Short Film Festival, Five Teasers!

Thessaloniki has it all. Great gastronomy, sultry weather and a dynamic history spanning the Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires. And Greece’s second city also has the THESS International Short Film Festival every October. An annual event devoted to the most cutting edge of cinema, it’s a festival not to miss out on. We spoke with their Festival Director Yiannis Zachopoulos about what […]

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Deadline on FilmFestivalLife – July 2015

What’s cooking in July? Here’s what. A veritable ton of deadlines. Los Angeles International Short Film Festival is one to enter into your notebooks. Academy Award-qualifying, and BAFTA-qualifying to boot, a submission to this festival could herald the start of a very successful festival career. And it’s in LA, where the sun never stops shining. The Late […]

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Axe Throwing, Rocky Horror and All-Round Quirkiness with Portland Film Festival

Coolest city in the world? Portland, Oregon, is a bona-fide candidate, known for being a craft-beer swigging, alternative culture pioneer. And it’s also the home of the Portland Film Festival. Launched in 2013 by Josh Leake and Jay Cornelius, it’s still a relative newbie but it’s pioneering approach to film programming has seen them create a […]

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Deadlines on FilmFestivalLife – April 2015

Springtime usually heralds a spot of cleaning but instead maybe it’s time to get submitting? Big this month includes the renowned Bosnia and Herzegovina festival International Film Festival Kratkofil Plus. We had a chat with Program Director Vladan Petkovic last year about the festival, which pioneered bringing short films to Bosnia & Herzegovina and why festivals are important […]

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