Join FilmFestivalLife at Digital Landscape in Cannes – Panel, Screening & Networking

FilmFestivalLife, Jeune chambre économique de Cannes, Festival du film Merveilleux & Imaginaire , cloud 21, Cineuropa and Utopia Film Festival calling filmmakers, producers, and distributors. Discover how to improve your strategies of digital marketing, film festival placement, sales, and distribution in a dynamic digital landscape. Learn how to effectively integrate and adopt new business techniques. […]

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The Progression of LGBT Cinema and Challenging the Mainstream – Pushing Boundaries with Queer Lisboa

As the only film festival dedicated exclusively to Queer Cinema in the country, the 19th Queer Lisboa – International Queer Film Festival is undoubtedly a gateway for Portuguese audiences to discover more. Queer Cinema encompasses all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and transsexual themed films, but Queer Lisboa doesn’t stop here: „we search for films that […]

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Join the Kino Maidan Movement!

For the 8th time, One World Romania festival awakens the screening halls of Bucharest with the power of people’s and documentary accounts of injustice, problems of contemporary democracy and the significance of civil protests. Why does this year’s edition carry the title Kino Maidan? The Festival Director Alexandru Solomon will give you the answer in […]

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How to Master Your Crowdfunding Campaign with Indiegogo’s Head of Film UK Miranda Fleming

Crowfunding platforms have changed the game of film funding. The possibility to go online and ask your friends and followers for money has revolutionized the process of film financing. So far, in America, it’s been arguably more forward thinking than in Europe. Even well-known American directors such as Zach Baff and Spike Lee raised considerable money with a crowdfunding campaign […]

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Filmmaking, Festival Strategy and Could-Get-You-Arrested Material with SYDNEY UNDERGROUND FILM FESTIVAL

Selecting films for an underground film festival comes with a more open perspective than festival programmers usually imagine. Katherine Berger, Festival Director of the 9th Sydney Underground Film Festival, wants films with an edge.”[…] just look at our past programming and know we aren’t the one to program your polite, heartfelt Bambi pic!’ We talked […]

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Meet Stefano Casertano on the ‘THE LAST DAYS OF TACHELES’, crowdfunding and online distribution

The name Tacheles is one that hits a spot with any Berliner, native or not. That’s something that’s clear when I see the crowd assembled outside Mindpirates, close to our FFL HQ. The atmospheric, smoky den chosen for the German premiere of FFL filmmaker Stefano Casertano’s THE LAST DAYS OF TACHELES… Casertano’s film is one […]

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