Join FilmFestivalLife at Digital Landscape in Cannes – Panel, Screening & Networking

FilmFestivalLife, Jeune chambre économique de Cannes, Festival du film Merveilleux & Imaginaire , cloud 21, Cineuropa and Utopia Film Festival calling filmmakers, producers, and distributors. Discover how to improve your strategies of digital marketing, film festival placement, sales, and distribution in a dynamic digital landscape. Learn how to effectively integrate and adopt new business techniques. […]

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Deadlines on FilmFestivalLife – 2014

Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines. Whilst many in the film community will be hightailing it down to La Croisette for one rather glamorous film festival, let’s not forget that May is still high time for submissions! It’s time to say bonjour to May’s Deadline List! One of our biggest deadlines this month is Los Angeles International Short Film Festival, one […]

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Cannes aftermath: How ‘THE OPPORTUNIST’ team utilize Cannes to launch their festival life

The 52nd Critics Week program featured one sole US short in competition fittingly titled THE OPPORTUNIST.   Filmmakers David Lassiter, Cate Smierciak and Alberto Roldan were heralded immediately following the Cannes section selection, hitting the front cover of the LA times as, “Cannes-do Kickstarter Spirit” and in Hollywood Reporter and Indiewire as, “The only American […]

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Ilian Metev’s first Cannes-winning tour de force: Sofia’s Last Ambulance

SOFIA’S LAST AMBULANCE premiered in the competition section at Semaine de la Critique, Cannes in 2012. This was the green light for the first feature documentary film from Bulgarian filmmaker Ilian Metev. Since then, SOFIA’S LAST AMBULANCE (Poslednata lineika na Sofia) has been honored with the awards including France 4 Visionary Award at Cannes, Best […]

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