
Meet Liwaa Yazji

With its 8th edition, the prestigious Doc Alliance Selection Award moves to Locarno, Switzerland. There, one of the seven directors nominated for the award designed primarily for emerging documentary talents will receive the award on August 8. With her debut HAUNTED, Syrian native Liwaa Yazji enters this year’s competition. Read about the success of her film […]

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Meet Stefano Casertano on the ‘THE LAST DAYS OF TACHELES’, crowdfunding and online distribution

The name Tacheles is one that hits a spot with any Berliner, native or not. That’s something that’s clear when I see the crowd assembled outside Mindpirates, close to our FFL HQ. The atmospheric, smoky den chosen for the German premiere of FFL filmmaker Stefano Casertano’s THE LAST DAYS OF TACHELES… Casertano’s film is one […]

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Meet Barbara Ott & Simon Rühlemann on how ‘SUNNY’ became a festival hit

SUNNY isn’t the sunniest of flicks, but it’s a bona fide festival smash – that’s what! Here’s how ‘SUNNY’ became a festival hit… The story of an 18-year old father, Hajo, who has a new-born baby and is struggling with the transition between adolescence and adulthood, with potentially disastrous results. After winning the 2013 Deutscher […]

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[decoline][details] [item title=”Age”]28[/item] [item title=”Country”]United States/Vietnam[/item] [item title=”City”]New York/Saigon[/item] [item title=”Profession”]Director and cinematographer[/item] [item title=”Website”]www.baominhnguyen[/item] [item title=”Latest”] WHERE HEAVEN MEETS HELL [/item][/details] [decoline] Please meet the great talent Bao Nguyen that we got to know during the Berlinale festival. The 28 year old photographer and filmmaker is currently based in both New York and Saigon. […]

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